Henry Law Firm Website is Live

August 16, 2018

I am happy to announce that my website – erichenrylaw.com – is now open for business. I think too often lawyer sites are all the same. Generic content. Bland lawyer-speak. The lack of any helpful information or answers to questions that so many people have.

My goal is to make my site helpful and informative – not just about me, but about the law in general. If you have questions I can address in a blog or FAQ please let me know. And check back for updates and new content.

Thanks for reading!


Let's do this together

Contact me today to discuss your case at no charge and with no-strings-attached.

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Office: 440-337-0083
Fax: 440-337-0084

8401 Chagrin Road
Suite 18
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023